News Health Daily Exercise to Weight Management: Try THESE effective ways to control blood sugar level at the age of 50

Daily Exercise to Weight Management: Try THESE effective ways to control blood sugar level at the age of 50

Diabetes patients should pay more attention to themselves as they grow older. If your age is around 50 years, then you should follow a healthy lifestyle to keep your blood sugar level normal.

blood sugar level Image Source : FREEPIKTry THESE effective ways to control blood sugar level

Diabetes is a disease due to which a person is easily surrounded by many other diseases. Earlier, the risk of diabetes was after a certain age, but nowadays this problem is seen in younger people as well. Diabetes occurs due to stress or depression, high cholesterol levels, obesity, family history of diabetes, increasing age, etc. Diabetes patients should keep checking their blood sugar levels regularly. Apart from this, they should maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep their blood sugar level normal. 

You need to take care of these things at an older age. In this article, we will tell you what should be the blood sugar level of a person at the age of 50 and what should be done to keep the sugar level under control at this age as well as to keep yourself active.

Blood sugar level at age 50

According to NIH, the time to check blood sugar levels also depends on your age and disease. People with type 2 diabetes have to check their blood sugar levels several times a day. Normal blood sugar levels should be between 90 and 100 mg/dl. According to health experts, a person should check his blood sugar level after 8 hours of fasting. At the age of 50 to 60 years, the blood sugar level during fasting is 90 to 130 mg/dl. At the same time, it should be less than 140 mg/dl after eating and less than 150 mg/dl before sleeping at night.

Here are some effective ways to control blood sugar levels at the age of 50:

  1. Do Exercise Daily: Diabetic patients should start their day with exercise. This will keep your blood sugar level under control and you will also remain very active. If you are a type 2 diabetic patient, exercising daily will keep your blood sugar level normal and will also help you control your weight. Exercising reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Apart from this, it also reduces the risk of heart related diseases.
  2. Take Care of Diet: At the age of 50, you should take full care of your diet. Your blood sugar level can also fluctuate due to improper eating habits. In such a situation, consume only healthy things daily. Include fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds in your diet.
  3. Weight Management: Weight gain in diabetes also causes many problems. In such a situation, you need to do weight management even at the age of 50. Obesity can also cause other diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol level, sleep apnea etc. If you have excess belly fat, you can also get severe type 2 diabetes. To stay fit, you should follow a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Fenugreek Water: Drinking fenugreek water daily in diabetes keeps the blood sugar level under control. Fenugreek contains probiotic properties which promote good cholesterol in the body and help in reducing bad cholesterol. To drink fenugreek water, soak fenugreek in water overnight and then boil it in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach.

(This article is for general information. Please consult a doctor for personalized advice before opting for any remedy).

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