Cure acidity: Home remedies to cure this problem naturally
Acidity is a common health problem that many of us face. Here are some useful home remedies to cure acidity at home.
When there is an overproduction of stomach acid, it leads to a condition known as acidity. This excessive acid secretion can cause a burning sensation in the chest, commonly referred to as heartburn, and is usually caused by the consumption of spicy foods.
Here are a few useful home remedies to get rid of acidity:
Drink cumin, coriander and fennel tea
To naturally cure acidity at home, drink Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel (CCF) Tea. This Ayurvedic remedy is known to aid digestion and relieve flatulence. Simply boil 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds in 3 cups of water until only 1 cup remains. After cooling and straining it, drink it an hour before breakfast and dinner.
Eat balanced meals everyday
Consume more of green veggies like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, etc. along with nutritious veggies. One can also consume lean meat like chicken, fish and seafood. After having a healthy meal, one might opt for fruits like apples, watermelon, bananas, etc.
Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages can increase the acid secretion in the stomach and irritate the lining, leading to heartburn. Consuming alcohol in excess can worsen acidity symptoms by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter muscle, increasing stomach acids, and hindering the esophagus' ability to clear out acid.
Exercise regularly
Regular physical activity such as walking, running, swimming, or yoga can aid digestion and prevent digestive disorders such as acidity and indigestion. Exercising helps to maintain a moderate body weight and reduce belly fat, reducing the pressure on your abdomen and decreasing the likelihood of stomach acid traveling up your food pipe.
Eat Basil leaves
Holy basil (Tulsi) leaves contain anti-ulcer properties that lower stomach acid levels and stimulate the stomach to produce more mucus, thus protecting the stomach lining from acid damage. To use Tulsi leaves for acidity relief, slowly chew 4 to 5 leaves or drink a decoction made by boiling 8 to 10 leaves in 2 cups of water until it reduces to half of its initial volume. Strain the decoction and drink it lukewarm.
These remedies can provide quick relief and also improve overall digestive health. By incorporating these simple yet powerful remedies into your daily routine, you can alleviate the discomfort of acidity and lead a healthy and happy life.