Consuming sugar not only causes diabetes, exclude THESE salty products from your diet too
Eating sugar can cause diabetes, this is what most people think. This is the reason why people prefer eating salty things instead of sweet things. But salty carbohydrates and processed food can also make you a diabetic.

Nowadays people avoid eating sweet things. Most people think that eating sugar or sweet things causes diabetes. But it is not right, several salty things have more sugar than sugar. Salty carbohydrates and processed food enter the body and turn into sugar. So, even if it is not direct sugar, it can make you a diabetic. Let's know from a dietitian whether eating sugar and sweet things causes diabetes.
Does eating sweets cause sugar?
According to nutritionist, weight loss coach and keto dietitian Swati Singh, diabetes does not occur by eating sugar. Yes, if you have diabetes, it increases by eating sugar, but those who are not diabetic and suppose someone likes ice cream very much. He follows a good lifestyle daily. Works out daily. It is quite slim. In such a situation, if he wants to eat ice cream every day. So he can eat it easily. It is not that that person will become diabetic.
Not only sugar, these salty things also contain sugar
A person can become diabetic if a person eats cereal as soon as he wakes up in the morning, even if it is not sweet but salty cereal. If he eats white rice in the afternoon which is not sweet. Eating more roti, eating processed food. Eating salty chips every evening, eating salty biscuits, that person is bound to have diabetes. Because every kind of salty carbohydrate gets converted into sugar in the body. If you take 4 grams of carbohydrate then 1 spoon of sugar is going into the body. If you are eating 1 bread in breakfast which contains 15 grams of carbohydrate. That means you are getting 4 spoons of sugar. Do you think that when eating bread, you eat 4 teaspoons of sugar? That means if you eat 3 breads in the morning then 10-12 spoons of sugar go into your body.
How much sugar can one take in a day?
According to the American Heart Association, a person should not eat more than 9-10 spoons of sugar in a day. But you have already consumed all the sugar in the morning by eating bread. Sugar is formed from all carbohydrates. It is not that you will stop taking carbohydrates. You have to eat with planning. You have to eat in an order. So that you do not get sugar later on.
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