News Health Binge eating disorder: Are you a serial eater? Here's how it causes other illnesses

Binge eating disorder: Are you a serial eater? Here's how it causes other illnesses

Binge eating is an eating disorder characterised by episodes of eating a lot of food too quickly and feeling out of control. Here's how it leads to many dangerous problems.

How binge eating leads to other illnesses Image Source : FREEPIKHow binge eating leads to other illnesses

Binge eating disorder is characterized by consuming large quantities of food quickly and feeling at a loss of control during these episodes. It is often accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and distress. If you or someone you love is struggling with binge eating, it's critical to get support to address the underlying emotional and psychological causes of the behaviour. Binge eating can also contribute to several physical and mental health issues. 

Some potential consequences and associated diseases include

1. Obesity

Binge eating can cause weight gain and raise the chance of becoming obese, which is linked to several illnesses including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even high blood pressure.


2. Gastrointestinal Issues

Stomach discomfort, acid reflux, and bloating are just a few digestive disorders resulting from binge eating.

Gastrointestinal Problems

3. Metabolic Disorders

Binge eating can interfere with regular metabolic functions, which may lead to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipid levels).

Metabolic Issues

4. Mental Health Issues

Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are frequently present alongside binge eating disorders. These illnesses may also affect general health.

Mental Health Issues

5. Nutritional deficiencies 

Binge eating frequently involves consuming a lot of calorie-dense, unhealthy meals while ignoring vital nutrients. Deficits in vitamins, minerals, and other crucial nutrients may occur from this.

Nutritional Deficiency

6. Cardiovascular issues 

Overeating excessively, especially when it comes to foods heavy in fat and sugar, might raise your chance of developing cardiovascular conditions like heart disease and stroke.

Cardiovascular Issues

7. Emotional distress 

Binge eating can result in feelings of guilt, shame, and misery. These emotions can affect emotional health and support a cycle of harmful eating habits.

Emotional Distress

It's crucial to remember that not everyone who binges will suffer all of these negative effects and that each person's circumstances and intensity may differ. The potential health hazards connected to binge eating can be managed and addressed with the help of a professional.