Health Tips: 10 food items to avoid while travelling
While traveling, it is advised to eat light. Any food item that can be prepared easily and is easy on the stomach should be preferred during journey.
Travelling is all about food, fun, and good company. People like to plan their whole travel itinerary before heading out. In which one of the most important things is what food to have on what time so that you can enjoy travel without falling ill. A variety of food items are available in the market but one has to be wise while making a choice, especially while traveling. Many people prefer having food that is light on the stomach as it is easily digested and also requires less time in preparation. If you have a tendency to fall ill more frequently and you do not want to upset your stomach while traveling, then you can avoid these food items to maintain good health.
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- Hot drinks that have been served like tea, coffee, or soup are fine to drink until they become warm or cool down. It is suggested not to have them once they are cool.
- Avoid having raw food items like fruits, vegetables, raw meat, or uncooked seafood. Even if you are having them make sure that they are washed properly. These food items are more likely to carry germs that can make you fall sick on your traveling journey.
- Try to avoid having street food as it may lack proper hygiene in preparation and cooking. Try eating at clean restaurants where they serve you hot food prepared with full hygiene.
- Avoid eating food that is served in a buffet. The food gets prepared and is allowed to sit at room temperature for hours which gets contaminated after a while.
- Try and avoid drinking tap water, especially in places that do not have proper hygiene. Try to get a bottle of clean water for drinking. Boil tap water to kill the germs.
- Try and avoid fountain drinks. Whenever you place an order for a fountain drink, remember that it is made with carbonated water and artificial flavours may also be mixed.
- Avoid eating fruits like apples, berries, grapes, and others that do not require peeling. Fruits like bananas and oranges are safer to eat as their skin is required to be peeled before eating them and it also keeps the bacteria away, unlike other fruits.
- Refined and processed food items like bread, biscuits, and cakes can make you feel bloated after a while of consumption. Avoid having them as much as possible and try to replace them by having fresh hot food.
- Try to avoid having bushmeat. The meat is generally found in bats, rodents, and monkeys which carry the animal to human diseases, like ebola.
- Avoid having fresh salsas and sauces made from fresh raw fruits and vegetables. It becomes contaminated after some time.
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