News Health Author and storyteller Harshada Pathare shares tips on how to deal with depression through writing

Author and storyteller Harshada Pathare shares tips on how to deal with depression through writing

Author and storyteller Harshada Pathare gives advice on how individuals could employ writing to cope with illness like depression.

Harshada Pathare gives tips on dealing with depression Image Source : FILE IMAGEHarshada Pathare gives tips on dealing with depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. However, many psychologists also believe that the actual number may be much higher. The reason behind this is that many times the affected person himself does not know that he is suffering from depression. For the onset of depression, mainly forty years have been considered as the mean age, but it can happen at any age. According to WHO statistics, one in every six women and one in eight men are victims of depression.

Author and storyteller Harshada Pathare says that writing is one such genre. Through this, you can not only express yourself but also cure your depression. This thing has also been proved factually. There are some tips through which you can successfully deal with your depression:

1. Paper Writing: Writing is a great way to relieve stress. According to the researchers, one should express his feelings on paper by taking a pen. This will make your mind cool and calm. After this, you will be able to easily do the work of increasing depression. Apart from this, this technique also helps in increasing concentration. The most important thing is that this thing has also been proved in a study by researchers at the Michigan State University of America.

 2. Diary Writing: You may think that expressing your feeling in the form of diary writing may be childish. But the truth is that diary writing has proved to be a great stress buster. This thing has been proved psychologically as well as factually. Your gender or your age has nothing to do with expressing your feelings through a diary. Decades ago, Annie Frank, a 14-year-old girl, wrote a diary during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. It is still considered one of the best seller books in the world. This book was published about 75 years ago titled 'The Diary of a Young Girl'.

 3. Expressive Writing or Journaling: Expressive writing or Journaling is very helpful in stress management. If you follow it regularly, it reduces the effect of depression on your overall health to a great extent. Research says that just 20 minutes of expressive writing is enough for healing your mental health. Most importantly, it has also been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure and liver disease. This habit is like meditation, which helps you to get better sleep by relieving you of stress.

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