Ahead of International Yoga Day 2021, know how regular practice of pranayamas is great for your skin
International Yoga Day 2021: The regular practice of yoga in our daily routine has a crucial role in improving our beauty routine. Just like our body, our skin, and our face in particular, are at the receiving end of a stressful lifestyle. Know some benefits of yoga and pranayam on the skin.
International Yoga Day is around the corner. The whole world will celebrate International Yoga day on June 21st. Yoga is generally considered as a holistic approach to achieve a healthier mind and body, but it actually does more than that. The regular practice of yoga in our daily routine has a crucial role in improving our beauty routine. Just like our body, our skin, and our face in particular, are at the receiving end of a stressful lifestyle. The science of yoga draws from ancient Indian wisdom and can offer some relief to our healthy skin. People who practice yoga regularly can see the tremendous impact of it on their body as well as on their mind. Glowing, healthy skin and weight loss are some of the visible benefits of yoga.
If you practice yoga regularly, you can notice the effects of exercise on the skin. Moving your body is medicine. It detoxifies the impurities from the body by flushing all of the organs. It increases respiration, lubricates joints and strengthens muscles. All of these benefits can lead to healthier and happier skin. Yoga can enlarge the blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow to the skin, providing it with more oxygen and nutrients. This can make the skin radiant and glowing.
Here are some benefits of Yoga on the skin:
● Many yoga asanas such as Pranayamas, or breathing exercises, are effective routines that can help to de-stress. It helps to heal the body and increases oxygen flow that aids in cell regeneration.
● Deep breathing opens up the lungs to accommodate more oxygen, which will facilitate the delivery of blood directly to the skin cells. Regenerative properties present in this oxygenated blood can heal skin damages caused by free radicals and excessive sun exposure.
● Yoga stimulates detoxification. It helps to flush out toxins and impurities from the body, it can also prevent acne breakouts.
● It also keeps hormone glands in check. Inverted asanas can flood the head and neck with blood, which in turn aids in flushing the thyroid gland that’s responsible for the growth and healthy digestion.
● The downward-facing shishuasana or the child pose facilitates the circulation of blood in the facial region, relieves stress and enhances the overall health of the skin.
● The matsyasana is known to balance hormones and relax muscles. When it is done on a regular basis, this can help retain the elasticity of the skin as you age.
● Stress is considered as one of the worst causes for any skin woes. Emotional stress takes a huge toll on the hormones and the skin. Practicing Bhujangasana daily can help to reduce tension, stress and fatigue by opening the lungs and energizing the body. Practicing yoga can Lower the cortisol which is known as the “stress hormone”and reduce oxidative stress and prevent the visible signs of skin aging brought on by dehydration and loss of elasticity.
● Vinyasa can enhance these health benefits by energizing the body, heating up the core temperature and sweating out the impurities and toxins. Sweating is considered good for the skin, as it flushes out toxins and dirt that build up on the pores. Since skin blemishes and dullness are caused by these toxins and bacteria, sweating them out during vinyasa practice can result in clearer and healthier skin.
● Impurities and toxins that are not removed from the body get settled down in adipose fat tissue of the skin, which can lead to acne, discoloration, and accelerated ageing. Practicing Parivrtta sukhasana assists in digestion and toxin removal from the body by increasing circulation and energy to the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and liver.
● Uttanasana is one of the best exercises to bring blood flow to the face and increase oxygen supply to skin cells. Take at least five minutes everyday and turn upside down. It's anti-gravity and anti-aging benefits can give the skin a healthy glow.
● Practice Tadasana everyday for your healthy skin. With its focus on deep, rhythmic breathing, this simple standing pose helps to alleviate stress and improve oxygen flow. Oxygen supply through breathing can help the body to release harmful toxins and keep the skin healthy and glowing. Tadasana improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage which brightens the complexion and reduces puffiness around the eye area.
-With inputs from Dr. Ajay Rana, world renowned Dermatologist and Aesthetic Physician