7 tips to clear artery blockage and avoid cardiac arrests, heart attacks
Our arteries get blocked by plaque due to which blood does not reach the heart and due to this there is a lack of oxygen in the body and if medical help is not received immediately then the person dies.

Nowadays you often hear that someone died while dancing or someone fell while talking. These people either die of a heart attack or cardiac arrest. The biggest reason behind all this is that their arteries get blocked by plaque due to which blood does not reach the heart and due to this there is a lack of oxygen in the body and if medical help is not received immediately then the person dies. The way to avoid all these situations is that you do not let such a situation arise. Bad cholesterol is a big enemy of this. Do not let it increase in the body.
7 tips to clear heart artery blockage and avoid cardiac arrests
- Healthy diet – heart attack or cardiac arrest occurs due to cholesterol or plaque sticking to the arteries and blocking the arteries due to this. The biggest reason behind the increase in cholesterol is an unhealthy diet. So from today stop unhealthy diet i.e. eating processed and packaged food from outside and instead eat fresh homemade food which includes green leafy vegetables, pulses, whole grains, fresh fruits, eggs, fish, almonds, seeds etc.
- Exercise- To prevent plaque from accumulating in the arteries, it is important for you to do regular exercise. Exercise for at least half an hour every day. For this, ride a bicycle, swim, run, walk, jog and do strength training every day.
- Quit smoking- If you think that smoking will only damage the lungs, then you are wrong. It also damages the heart. The chemical released from cigarette smoke starts forming a lining in the arteries, which can cause the arteries to get blocked.
- Manage stress- In today's life, everyone has stress in their life. Due to stress, there is inflammation in the arteries, due to which it can swell and block the arteries. You will be surprised to know that 1500 chemicals are moved in the body due to stress. Stress is inevitable but managing it is your job. To manage stress, stay calm, do not get angry, do yoga, pranayam and meditation daily. Walk and participate in fun and frolic with friends. Consider it an important part of life.
- Cholesterol check- Check cholesterol regularly. You know that cholesterol is the reason for artery blockage. So get it checked. Get tested at least once a year. Also, keep checking your BP regularly.
- Do not drink alcohol- If you love your heart then do not consume alcohol. Alcohol increases both cholesterol and blood pressure. Then why get into such a bad problem, leave it.
- Keep weight under control- Excess weight is the biggest reason for cholesterol, high blood and high sugar. So lose weight. To lose weight, do the same things that have been mentioned above. Regular exercise, healthy diet, control unhealthy diet.
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