5 swelled body parts can be indicators of fatty liver disease
If you have any of these five body parts that are swollen, it could be an indication of fatty liver disease and should not be ignored.
Fatty liver disease is a condition where fat accumulates in the liver and can lead to serious complications. While fatty liver disease is usually asymptomatic, there are certain body parts that can swell as a result of the condition, indicating that it may be present. Here are five body parts that can swell and signal that you may have fatty liver disease:
Abdomen: Abdominal swelling is one of the most common signs of fatty liver disease. The accumulation of fat in the liver can cause swelling in the abdomen which is usually noticeable when standing and may appear as a bulge in the area just below the ribcage. If the swelling is accompanied by pain or tenderness, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Ankles: Swollen ankles can be a sign of fatty liver disease. This occurs because fluid accumulates in the body when there is too much fat in the liver, causing fluid to build up in the ankles and feet. If you have swollen ankles, it is important to seek medical attention as it could be an indication of something more serious than just fatty liver disease.
Eyes: Swelling in the eyes can also be a sign of fatty liver disease. This occurs when there is too much fat in the liver, causing fluid to accumulate around the eyes and cause them to swell. This symptom should not be ignored as it could be an indication of something more serious.
Feet: When fat builds up in the liver, preventing it from processing waste products which then swell up the feet. If this symptom is accompanied by pain or tenderness, it should be checked out immediately by a doctor.
Joints: Joint pain and stiffness can also be an indication of fatty liver disease. As fluid accumulates in the body due to too much fat in the liver, this fluid can collect around joints and cause them to become stiff and painful. This symptom should not be ignored and should be checked out by a doctor if it persists for more than a few days.