News Health 5 key things about breastfeeding you must be aware of, know benefits and obstacles

5 key things about breastfeeding you must be aware of, know benefits and obstacles

For a successful and happy nursing experience, one needs to have an understanding of breastfeeding. It will only facilitate a smoother nursing experience and heighten the relationship with the baby.

5 key things about breastfeeding you must know Image Source : FREEPIK5 key things about breastfeeding you must know.

The female body is uniquely special, as it can do marvellous stuff like nourishing and supporting life. Besides all these fantastic benefits that one gets to enjoy through nursing, this is an exceptionally effective way of nourishing and bonding with the baby. Whether just starting with nursing or even wishing to learn more about its benefits, this article has come to highlight five key things about nursing in all its benefits and challenges and the incredible support your body offers.

The mother's breasts change in these months

The body changes the breasts drastically in preparation for supporting the growing baby in the womb. The three most important hormones in this regard are progesterone, prolactin, and estrogen. These hormones would cause the breasts to enlarge and become softer because of the induction of growth in the milk-producing glands within them. Thirdly, the areola, or the region around the nipples, darkens. This is how the body would normally prepare to generate and feed the infant in breast milk. All these changes are because of the normal adaptation of the body due to the demands of the infant.

Breast milk develops in stages

When a baby is born, milk production begins.  Here's how milk production usually goes:

  • Days 0-5 Colostrum: It is a thick, nutrient-rich fluid full of antibodies. That will protect the newborn from infections in the first days.
  • Days 5-14: Around day 5 and beyond, the milk supply increases. The mother's breasts will become fuller and heavier as colostrum gives way to the more mature milk.
  • Days 14 and Beyond: This phase should have solidified into mature milk. It should be thinner at first, but as it moves to the last of the feeding, it should thicken up and be loaded with nutrients.

Managing breast over-engorgement

When we spoke to  Dr Aparna G, M.D Paediatrics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Chennai, she said if a mom skips one or two feedings, engorgement will likely happen because of the increased amount of milk being produced. It might be challenging for the baby to latch since the breasts get bigger and harder. Expressing a little milk before each feeding would ease the pressure and soften your breast tissue, which will make it easier for the baby to latch and minimize pain. This may avoid painful nipples and help the baby latch more smoothly.

Everything you want to know about breast milk pumping

However, even though our parents probably never used a breast pump, as this product's popularity has been on the rise, it is a wonderful trend as a response to the reality of many more mothers continuing to work while parenting. Pumping makes it much easier to leave fresh milk at home for the baby and otherwise allows for much greater ease in feeding your baby while running errands, working, or being on the go.

Pumps also help prevent discomfort caused by engorgement; therefore, if a feed or two is skipped, the breast milk can be pumped and stored for later feeding time. If you decide to pump, invest in a breast pump and storage bags or containers that will suit your lifestyle.

Knowledge about all aspects of milk production and how to handle usual problems such as engorgement and leakage will certainly make a person feel empowered enough to have a wonderful breastfeeding journey. 

ALSO READ: Are you a working mother? 5 simple Breastfeeding tips you need to know