Lockdown 4.0: MHA issues national guidelines for people in public places
As lockdown has been extended for two more weeks, MHA has issued updated directives for the country which have to be followed during the lockdwon period. Strict action under various sections will be taken against individuals, entities if found violating the directives.
As expected, the lockdown in the country has been extended for two more weeks as the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) released the guidelines for lockdown 4.0 which will be in place for two more weeks. Announcing the guidelines, MHA issued updated directives for the country which have to be followed during the lockdown period. Strict action under various sections will be taken against individuals, entities if found violating the directives.
National directives for COVID-19 management issued by MHA
- Wearing of face cover is compulsory in all public and work places.
- Spitting in public and work place shall be punishable with fine, as may be prescribed in accordance with its laws, rules or regulations by the state/UT local authority.
- Social distancing shall be followed by all persons in public places and in transport.
- Marriage related gathering shall ensure social distancing, and the maximum number of guests allowed shall not be more than 50.
- Funeral/last rites related gathering shall ensure social distancing, and the maximum numbers allowed shall not be more than 20.
- Consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco etc in public places is not allowed.
- Shops will ensure mimimum six feet distance (2 gazi ki doori) among customers and shall not allow more than 5 persons at the stop.
Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday in his televised address to the nation had announced that the lockdown will be extended for some time adding that it will be different in nature than the previous phases. He had informed that the guidelines for lockdown 4.0 will be announced before May 18.
ALSO READ | Lockdown extended till May 31: MHA's new guidelines here