Allu Arjun has been in the news recently not only for his latest mega-blockbuster film Pushpa 2 but also for the film's midnight premiere in Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre, which took the life of a 29-year-old woman. It was earlier claimed by the management of Sandhya Theatre that they too proper permission from the local police and asked them to provide security. Now, a letter by the local police has surfaced which was in reply to the letter by Sandhya Theatre management. In the letter, the police has asked Sandhya Theatre management not to invite any celebrity as it is not possible to 'control the crowd'.
Letter by Hyderabad Police to Sandhya Theatre management.
On December 2, the Sandhya Theatre management requested the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad to arrange Police Bandobust in connection with the release of Pushpa 2 on December 4 as the lead cast, VIPs and production unit were scheduled to come to watch the film. It will be interesting to see how Allu Arjun's lawyer and Sandhya Theatre management will react to this letter. The actor was granted bail after being arrested in the case.
Sandhya Theatre management's letter to police
What is the case?
A horrifying incident took place on December 4 at midnight premiere at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre. After Allu Arjun arrived at the location, he was surrounded by a sea of fans and within seconds the situation went out of control and a stampede-like situation broke out. The incident took the life of a woman named Revathy and left several injured.
Two days after the incident, Allu Arjun shared a video on his social media account, expressing his grief and announcing Rs 25 lakh to the bereaved family as a 'goodwill gesture'. He also offered to cover all the medical expenses of the injured members.
Also Read: Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2 records lowest numbers since release, check its latest box office figures