Captain America Civil War review: Battle lines drawn between avengers, who will win

Rakesh Jha May 06, 2016 10:42 IST
Movie Name: Captain America Civil War review: Battle lines drawn between avengers, who will win
Critics Rating: 3.5 / 5
Release Date: May 6, 2015
Star Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson
Director: Russo brothers
Genre: action

Good vs Good seems to be the latest fad among filmmakers as Good vs Bad has become clichéd over time. Though Batman vs Superman: Dawn of justice  turned out to be a damp squib for both the producers and cine-goers but the latest extravaganza from the Marvel universe is nothing less than spectacular.

After a mission to stop the heist of Biological weapon in Nigeria results in the death of innocent civilians, clamour for more accountability from avenger team starts gaining prominence

Consequently, the US secretary of State presses the avengers to agree to an accord that would put them  under United Nation’s  jurisdiction.

Despite having all the noble intentions, the issue has the team divided. Captain America  aka Steve Rogers  ( Chris Evans) believes  submitting to UN would scuttle their chances to operate independently  and would be a blow to their autonomy. While Tony Stark aka Iron Man ( Robert Downey Jr), still  guilt-ridden by the death of a state department employee’s  son  who was killed during the high-octane climax  of  “ The Age of Ultron”,  completely support s the UN resolution.   

The ideological divide turns violent as Cap decides to save his estranged war buddy Bucky Barnes aka winter soldier (Sebastian Stan) who goes on a rampage as soon as his brainwashing kicks in.
Cap has the support of Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), and Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) while Ironman has War Machine (Don Cheadle), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Vision (Paul Bettany) and the young Spider-Man (a scene-stealing Tom Holland). Though Hulk and Thor were conspicuous by their absence.

Almost every member  of avenger family seems to be in a dilemma and it is here the Russo brothers have astutely  given every major character  their cinematic moments .

The film raises a poignant point, how could a super hero possibly run away from his ethical responsibility., the ruins he has created, the catastrophe  his vigilant justice has brought to the innocent civilians which we have seen in Batman vs Superman.

Kudos to screenwriters  Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely to rights mix of melodrama with slapstick, simultaneously leaving ample scope for breath taking action also.

Besides film also avoids unnecessary action like crumbling skyscrapers and cacophonic explosions.
As for performances Robert Downey Junior leads the pack, he can even bring life to a dull script (though it’s a brilliant one) with his unmatchable histrionics.

Chris Evans, who has donned the mantle of Captain America for the fifth time, has effortlessly added a certain quirkiness in the otherwise straight arrow retro hero.  Though Sebastian Stan icy cold face but his action scenes did the work

But the superhero who steals the show is Tom Holland’s portrayal of peter parker aka spider man. Holland despite having a short screen time, entertains with his jaw dropping action and rib ticking comedy.

Captain America: Civil War ’ is the  best film to come out of the avengers trilogy. It could be watched for its nuanced script, top-notch performances and high octane action. Besides this cinematic superhero slugfest is the most mature film to come out of Marvel studio.