OTT platform offers Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal Rs 100 crore to get exclusive access to their wedding footage?
If Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal agree to the OTT platform's 100 crore deal, their wedding will reportedly be presented as a feature film on the OTT giant. Reportedly, Katrina and Vicky's wedding ceremony will be held amidst tight security arrangements. The couple has made their guests sign an NDA which includes rules like ‘No disclosure of wedding attendance, no photography, no reels or videos to be made at the wedding venue, no location sharing, no sharing pictures on social media'.
Preparations are in full swing for the much-awaited Bollywood wedding! Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal are all set to tie the knot on December 9 at Six Senses Fort, Barwara. The pre-wedding festivities will start with the 'Sangeet' ceremony on December 7. The 'Mehendi' ceremony to be held on December 8 followed by a key wedding event and a special reception. While the couple has maintained ample secrecy around their wedding functions, guests and celebrations, it is now being said that Katrina and Vicky were offered Rs 100 crore by an OTT platform for exclusive access to their wedding footage.
According to PinkVilla's report, "It’s a common trend in the west for celebrities to sell off their wedding footage and images to magazines and at times even channels, as there are a lot of fans who wish to witness all that happened in the life changing event of their idol. The streaming giant is planning to bring in the same trend in India too and to kick off their wedding franchise, they have offered Rs 100 crore to Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal."
Now, if the couple agrees, all their wedding functions will be shot and edited by the streaming giant and will be presented as a feature film on their platform. "It’s upto Katrina and Vicky to decide on the future course of action. There is a possibility of them letting go of the offer and there is also a possibility of them collaborating with this giant as they want their fans to witness all that happened in the palace," the report stated. No photos, videos or location disclosure on Vicky Kaushal-Katrina Kaif wedding: actors make guests sign NDAs
Meanwhile, the actors and their families have already reached Jaipur. Both Katrina and Vicky were snapped at the Mumbai airport. Reportedly, Katrina and Vicky's wedding ceremony will be held amidst tight security arrangements. Secret codes have been given to each of the guests. They reportedly can neither post photos, or videos nor disclose the wedding location on social media. The couple has made their guests sign an NDA which includes rules like ‘No disclosure of wedding attendance, no photography, no reels or videos to be made at the wedding venue, no location sharing, no sharing pictures on social media'.