News Entertainment Hollywood Needy Bieber repelled Gomez?

Needy Bieber repelled Gomez?

Los Angeles, Jan 12 : Singer Justin Bieber's childish and attention-seeking behaviour reportedly forced Selena Gomez to end their relationship, says a friend of the singer-actress.The duo were together for over two years before their

needy bieber repelled gomez needy bieber repelled gomez
Los Angeles, Jan 12 : Singer Justin Bieber's childish and attention-seeking behaviour reportedly forced Selena Gomez to end their relationship, says a friend of the singer-actress.

The duo were together for over two years before their relationship hit a rocky end during New Year.

"Justin is super needy and can be a big baby around Selena. It is hard for him to make real friends because he likes the temporary attention of strangers, but didn't realise how it hurt Selena," quoted a friend as saying.

Bieber's closeness with other girls had also started to bother Gomez.

"Selena didn't feel Justin was respectful of their relationship. She was constantly catching him in positions with other girls that would make her uncomfortable. She would get super jealous," the friend said.