News Entertainment Hollywood Madonna's son to launch his musical career

Madonna's son to launch his musical career

Los Angeles: Singer Madonna's son Rocco is planning to launch his own musical career. He wants to become a rap star.Rocco, 13, has recorded six demo songs with school friend Dom Sesto, and he plans

 Madonna, Madonna son, Madonna music album Image Source : APPop star Madonna

Los Angeles: Singer Madonna's son Rocco is planning to launch his own musical career. He wants to become a rap star. Rocco, 13, has recorded six demo songs with school friend Dom Sesto, and he plans to soon present them to Madonna soon.

The boys call themselves Modoccor, and hope to use Madonna's connections in the music industry to get a good start, reports "Modoccor combines rapping with street dance, gymnastics and break-dancing. Since forming the boys are virtually inseparable," a source said.

Madonna is said to be supporting her son in whatever way she can.

"Rocco and Dom hope they can get a record deal out of it. Madonna is obviously helping them as much as she can," a source said.