Keira Knightley to open fashion store?
London: Actress Keira Knightley is reportedly planning to open an eclectic fashion store in London.“The Pirates of the Caribbean” actress has been hunting for a property in the trendy Islington neighbourhood to launch her own
London: Actress Keira Knightley is reportedly planning to open an eclectic fashion store in London.
“The Pirates of the Caribbean” actress has been hunting for a property in the trendy Islington neighbourhood to launch her own quirky clothing shop and coffee shop, a source told The Sunday Mirror newspaper, reports
"Knightley is obviously at the top of her game in the acting world, but feels like the time is right to experiment with new things too. She's a huge fan of fashion, particularly anything vintage or alternative, so it's a perfect new opportunity. She's excited by the idea and is committed to making it work," the source said.