News Entertainment Hollywood John Barrowman gets flak for gay marriage

John Barrowman gets flak for gay marriage

London, July 27: Actor John Barrowman was bombarded with online abuse after he shared the news of his gay marriage earlier this month.The 46-year-old actor, who married his long-term partner Scott Gill in the US

john barrowman gets flak for gay marriage john barrowman gets flak for gay marriage
London, July 27: Actor John Barrowman was bombarded with online abuse after he shared the news of his gay marriage earlier this month.

The 46-year-old actor, who married his long-term partner Scott Gill in the US July 2 after the lawmakers at the country's Supreme Court paved way for same-sex unions, received a lot of congratulatory messages from fans initially. But he has now revealed that he also became a target for homophobic abuse, reports

"I don't get it. Some of the comments were outrageously vile. Quoting lines from the Bible. I won't tolerate it. People like that are banned on my Twitter account. I tell them to f**k off," he said.

"People have a right to their beliefs but it doesn't mean they have to be nasty and deny other people their human rights. The world is not going to change and fall apart because a gay couple got married. It's a way for us to celebrate our love. That's it," Borrowman added.