News Entertainment Hollywood Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams strip for American Hustle

Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams strip for American Hustle

New Delhi, Aug 2: Hollywood divas Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams will strip down to sensual swimwear for steamy scenes in their latest film `American Hustle`.  The star-studded 1970s thriller surrounding an FBI sting operation

The movie's already said to be an Oscar contender - it's packed with A-Listers too. Jeremy Renner, Jack Houston, Robert De Niro and comedian Louis C.K are all in there too. It's loosely based on Jersey gangsters and crooked FBI agents in the 70s and 80s, which means it'll be wall to wall polyester suits and big hair.

Lawrence, 22, will be seen stripping down to a white bikini in the trailer while trying to seduce Christian Bale`s character. In another scene, the actress is seen wearing a cleavage-baring top, with a fur coat and gold jewellery.

Even Adams, 38, turns on the heat as she takes off a fur coat at a party, revealing a monokini in front of a group of people.

Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams strip for American Hustle