News Entertainment Hollywood January Jones wants to bed Rihanna

January Jones wants to bed Rihanna

Los Angeles: If given a chance to go to bed with a person dead or alive, "Mad Men" actress January Jones would go for singer Rihanna or late actor Paul reports that when Jones

january jones wants to bed rihanna january jones wants to bed rihanna
Los Angeles: If given a chance to go to bed with a person dead or alive, "Mad Men" actress January Jones would go for singer Rihanna or late actor Paul Newman. reports that when Jones was asked by online magazine Violet Grey who she would "most want to go to bed with, dead or alive", she replied: "Paul Newman or Rihanna"

Jones, who has so far concealed the identity of the father of her two-year-old son Xander, enjoys being "mysterious".

"I prefer to remain mysterious and have people make their own judgment calls about me than to always have to explain who I am and what I'm about.

"I try to take risks and shock people a little bit, it's important to provoke some sort of emotion, negative or positive," added the 36-year-old.