News Entertainment Hollywood Hollywood stars in Jodhpur to celebrate Naomi Campbell boyfriend Vladimir's birthday bash

Hollywood stars in Jodhpur to celebrate Naomi Campbell boyfriend Vladimir's birthday bash

Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Nov 6 :Twelve chartered planes  on Monday ferried around 200 celebrity guests here for the big birthday bash of British supermodel Naomi Campbell for her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladimir Doronin at the 15th

"Campbell reached Jodhpur Sunday. She took stock of the preparations and seemed satisfied with them. They were more interested about the two venues of the fort, Daulat Khana and the Zenana courtyard, where the main bash will be organised," said an official.

"Everything from dinner to decorations is based on Rajasthani culture. There will be sophisticated lighting outside the fort, however, the scene will be entirely different inside it," said an official of an event management company involved with the preparations.

Officials privy to the celebrations said the Daulat Khana would be entirely lit up with royal oil lamps rather then electrical lights.