Gordon Ramsay to produce chef comedy
The story of Gordon Ramsay's movie revolves around a young chef named Laura, who decides to strike out on her own and open a restaurant after a huge blow-up with her perfectionist, demanding, Ramsay-like mentor.
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is developing a single-camera chef comedy with Fox. The chef, who already has multiple unscripted shows on the network, will be backing the project through his Studio Ramsay along with SideCar Content Accelerator, headed by Gail Berman. According to Deadline, the comedy is penned by Steven Cragg and Brian Bradley, who are also attached as executive producers.
The story revolves around a young chef named Laura, who decides to strike out on her own and open a restaurant after a huge blow up with her perfectionist, demanding, Ramsay-like mentor.
"But after a twist of fate throws them back together, she finds herself stuck with her opinionated, foul-mouthed former boss, not only in her kitchen but in her personal life too," the plot line read.
There are no plans for Ramsay to act in the series.
The show is the latest addition to the chef's Fox slate which currently includes "Hell's Kitchen","MasterChef", "MasterChef Junior" and "Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell and Back".