'Edge of Tomorrow' - A popcorn fare
The 3D effect does make you experience the battle first hand, but the involvement overall is not at all overwhelming.Film: "Edge of Tomorrow"; Cast: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Taylor and
Based on the Japanese novel, "All You Need is Kill" by Hiroshi Sakurazaka and penned by screenplay writers; Christopher McQuarrie, Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth, the script defies logic. The plot-holes are competently camouflaged, but not eliminated. Also being an action film, the writers have taken a lot of liberties with the character arc of the protagonist; making the core of the story implausible.
"Edge of Tomorrow" is a Tom Cruise film all the way. He presents his fairly dubious character of the cynical army Major who is thrown into the throes of the battle to be a super-warrior, with style and panache. But the character he portrays, is weak and therein lies the fault. He is competently supported by Emily Blunt who plays a Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski. She not only mentors him for the finale, but also provides the brisk romance angle in the otherwise heavy-duty action driven film.
Brendon Gleeson as General Brigham, as well as Bill Praxton as Sergeant Farell in stereotypical roles, is wasted.