News Entertainment Hollywood Hemsworth intimidated by nude scenes

Hemsworth intimidated by nude scenes

New Delhi: Actor Chris Hemsworth will be seen going nude in his forthcoming film "Rush" and confesses that shedding clothes in front of the camera was intimidating.Hemsworth, 30, essays handsome English playboy James Hunt."It was

hemsworth intimidated by nude scenes hemsworth intimidated by nude scenes
New Delhi: Actor Chris Hemsworth will be seen going nude in his forthcoming film "Rush" and confesses that shedding clothes in front of the camera was intimidating.

Hemsworth, 30, essays handsome English playboy James Hunt.

"It was more intimidating than the driving scenes," Hemsworth confessed. "It's like 100 people standing around, 'Get (your clothes) off!' 'You going to turn around first.. Turn the cameras off..'," Hemsworth said in a statement.

"Rush", a biopic directed by Ron Howard, is based on the 1976 Formula One season and the rivalry between drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda (played by Daniel Bruhl).

It also features actress Olivia Wilde and is slated to release Sep 20.