Titanic sank on this day 105 years ago: Here are 3 Shocking Real Vs Reel Facts
The massive Titanic sank on April 15 1912, which marks its 105th anniversary today. Over the years, the fateful event inspired a number of films, songs and books. The most notable is none other than James Cameron’s Oscar-winning blockbuster Titanic, which starred Leonardi DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
However, do you know that the film version is not all true. Yes! the filmmaker James Cameron did miss out on some important facts.
Here’s a list of three shocking real vs reel facts of Titanic.
Jack and Rose never got together
One reason the Jack-and-Rose romance didn’t play out in real life is the strict set of rules that kept third-class passengers separate from the rest of the boat’s population because officials felt the poor passengers were unhygienic and, therefore, likely to spread disease.
The band played the wrong song
Moments before the Titanic went down, the band on board played Nearer My God to Thee. While a song of the same name is played in the movie, it’s the American version, Bethany, not the British version, Horbury, which the real band played.
The flashlight error
Flashlight experts have offered similar critiques about the lights used to find survivors floating in the water. The type of flashlight seen in the film didn’t exist in 1912, nor were flashlights of any kind used during the search for bodies. Cameron has openly acknowledged this inaccuracy, explaining that he could find no other way to illuminate the search.