Was my dream to work in interest of youth, public domain, says Pankaj Tripathi
Pankaj Tripathi is being named state icon of Bihar by the Election Commission of India.

Acclaimed actor Pankaj Tripathi, who is being named state icon of Bihar by the Election Commission of India, says it was his dream and wish to work in the interest of youth and public domain.
Excited about it, Pankaj said in a statement: "In a democracy, voting is a huge and most important right of a common man. Whatever changes a common man wants to bring in the country he can bring it through the process of voting. Generally, today's youth have a very wrong notion considering the voting day as a holiday in the calendar.
"They should not think that way and should come forward in huge numbers to vote, increase the voting percentage."
Pankaj, who featured in the film "Newton", said voting is a festival of democracy and should be celebrated enthusiastically.
Being a state icon is a very important and serious responsibility, said Pankaj.
"I come from a very common family background in a small village and getting an opportunity from home state to represent the state for an important and sensitive work is an honour for me and my family."
The actor said he will try to work "with sincerity and abide with the responsibility conferred upon me by the Election Commission of India'.
"I'll be available whenever and wherever they needed me fulfilling my duties. It was my dream and wish to work in the interest of youth and in public domain which is soon going to be realised," he said.
(With Ians inputs)