Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who was last seen in Veere Di Wedding, is trending today for all the adorable reasons. The actress was recently spotted showering all the love and kisses to Soha Ali Khan’s daughter Inaaya Naumi Khemu. A video of the same has surfaced online which has taken the netizens by storm.
In the viral video, Kareena Kapoor and little munchkin Naumi are seen sharing an adorable moment together, which will make you go aww all the way. Take a look:
Kareena Kapoor Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan celebrated the 70th Republic Day of India with their little munchkin Taimur. The toddler with his parents, hosted a tricolor in Mumbai in the presence of few of couple’s friends.
Kareena Kapoor
Saif Ali Khan
Recently, Kareena in an interview replied to all those who trolled her for having a nanny with Taimur constantly. She said, "To you judgemental folks who know nothing about my life, please note that there’s a finger I’m showing you in my mind right now."
Meanwhile, in an earlier interview, Kareena has maintained that she used to kiss Taimur almost 20,000 times in a day when he was less than a year old. Saif and Kareena have been opening up about the life they desire for Taimur in their recent interviews. Taimur's everyday papping session has become a therapy for many, it seems.
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan will start filming for Akshay Kumar’s Good News with Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani. She will also star in Takht alongside Ranveer Singh and Vicky Kaushal. Saif Ali Khan is currently working on Netflix’s famous TV series Sacred Games with Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Neeraj Kabi.
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