News Entertainment Celebrities Priyanka Chopra and Paris Hilton are party sisters at Sophie Turner’s birthday bash. See pics and videos

Priyanka Chopra and Paris Hilton are party sisters at Sophie Turner’s birthday bash. See pics and videos

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attended Sophie Turner's birthday bash on Thursday.

priyanka chopra at sophie turner birthday bash Image Source : INSTAGRAMPriyanka Chopra and Paris Hilton are party sisters at Sophie Turner’s birthday bash. See pics and videos

Priyanka Chopra never misses an opportunity to party. After the festivities of her big fat Indian wedding were over, the couple have hopped into celebration after another. Their post-marital bliss is on its peak right now. Sophie Turner, who’s PeeCee’s future sister-in-law celebrated her 23rd birthday on Thursday with a lavish birthday party. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra also turned up at the party which had many prominent Hollywood celebrities in its guest list. The pictures and videos from the grand bash are doing rounds on the internet.

In one of the videos, Priyanka Chopra is seen talking to American personality Paris Hilton.

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas took part in the celebrations. The actress who always make headlines for her sartorial choices, went casual this time. She was simply dressed in a casual black sweater and a pair of baggy jeans.

Priyanka Chopra took to her Instagram to wish Sophie Turner on her birthday. She wrote a special message for her, that reads, “To one of the most beautiful, fun people I’ve known. Happy birthday @sophiet you are loved! I can’t wait to see you as a bride. You will be stunning! Have a brilliant year love.. #jsisters 4eva! @joejonas you r the most thoughtful! Last night was epic.”  

Sophie Turner’s fiancé Joe Jonas also shared a video of his love on Instagram. In the video, the birthday girl smiles at the camera.

On the work front, Priyanka Chopra was last seen in Hollywood romantic-comedy film Isn’t It Romantic with Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth and Adam Levine. She will also be seen in Shonali Bose’s The Sky is Pink with Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. Previously, there were rumours that Priyanka Chopra is pregnant with her first child. However, the reports were immediately snubbed by her mother Madhu Chopra.