Alia Bhatt trolled for handbag worth Rs 6 lakh in latest pictures!
Alia Bhatt is seen carrying two bags in her latest airport pictures. Trolls linked the iconic Chanel bag to Kalank's failure.
Alia Bhatt, who was recently disappointed by the performance of her last film Kalank, was spotted at Mumbai airport. She was leaving for London to shoot for her film Brahmastra also starring Ranbir Kapoor. However, it was her airport look that caught everyone's attention. Alia Bhatt was carrying a Chanel bag, which was not one but two bags in one. It took us double-check to insure whether she's really carrying to handbags. Actually, it was Chanel side-packs that has two sling purses hanging on each side. This fashion didn't go down well with her fans. When photojournalist Viral Bhayani share the picture on his Instagram, it was mercilessly trolled.
The trolls even related the double-bag fashion to Kalank's failure. They called it 'Kalank bag' in the comments. The iconic handbag belongs to Karl Lagerfield's last collection before his sudden death last year. The renowned designer is known to make such iconic fashion that costs fortunes. Going through the website, we got to know that this double sidepacks costs around Rs 6 lakhs!
One user wrote, "I can’t stop laughing at the purse. It might be Chanel but that’s ugly." Another wrote, "Funny purse...her stylist failed here."
A user wrote, "That shoulder bag is a total freak!!"
The picture caught most of the attention on social media because of the Chanel bag.
On the work front, Alia Bhatt was last seen in Kalank, which didn't fare well among the audience. She has signed three more films including Karan Johar's Takht, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Inshallah and Rajamouli's RRR. Her film with Ranbir Kapoor titled Brahmastra will release in Summer 2020, after being defered from December this year. Earlier, it was clashing with Salman Khan's Dabangg 3.