News Entertainment Bollywood Ya Rab movie review: Strong message on religious fundamentalism

Ya Rab movie review: Strong message on religious fundamentalism

"An eye for an eye may be fine for an era gone-by. In today's day and age, just chill, and curb the rage."Film: "Ya Rab";Cast: Ajaz Khan, Akhilendra Mishra; Director: Hasnain Hyderabadwala; Rating: ***There is

While the treatment of the theme of anti-terrorism harks back to the Bollywood potboilers of the 1970s, there is clearly an abundance of passionate integrity in the depiction of the Good Religion and Bad Religion. The characters are seen sighing, bellowing, chortling or wailing....depending on what the background music commands them to do.

The storytelling accommodates dozens of characters , good and bad, all screaming for attentions in accessorised conspicuousness. There is something for every taste here, from a cute little boy who knows his holy scriptures in and out, to a speech-impaired teenager who suddenly discovers his tongue and becomes a human bomb in a terror attack staged in shopping mall.

The plot is a playground of heightened passion. Boutique-purchased costumes, beards and caps play pivotal characters along with the melee of actors who crowd the canvas.