News Entertainment Bollywood Top Brit DJ Paul Oakenfold Lifts Kailash's Track?

Top Brit DJ Paul Oakenfold Lifts Kailash's Track?

It was in May 2007, when British record producer and DJ, Paul Oakenfold, first met Kailash Kher.Oakenfold, who's worked with the likes of Madonna, Nelly Furtado, Brittany Murphy, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and has con-

top brit dj paul oakenfold lifts kailash s track top brit dj paul oakenfold lifts kailash s track

It was in May 2007, when British record producer and DJ, Paul Oakenfold, first met Kailash Kher.

Oakenfold, who's worked with the likes of Madonna, Nelly Furtado, Brittany Murphy, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and has con- tributed to the music of The Bourne Identity, Die Another Day and The Matrix Reloaded, was looking for an exotic Indian voice, who could con- tribute to a song on his upcoming studio album, Pop Killer.

Oakenfold happened to hear the song, `Ya rabba' (Salaam-e-Ishq), and was floored by Kher's voice. He quickly got in touch with him, and requested a collaboration. The duo worked on several ideas, including remixes of Kher's popular Sufi num- bers. Ultimately, a fresh track, com- posed and sung by Kher, was finalised and both seemed upbeat about it in interviews.

Bad news Two years down the line, news that the collaboration is set to release Pop Killer in the next couple of months, has flooded the Internet. But Kher is shocked, since he says that the deal was called off last year.

Reveals a visibly upset Kher, “Last year, Paul had asked me to compose a fresh song for his album. I didn't know much about him, but people knew of his work and convinced me to collaborate with him. I composed something for him, and he liked it. Creatively, we were both on board with the song.

“But commercially, and logistical- ly, things weren't working out,“ says Kher. “We expressed that to Paul's international management agency, and then called off the deal. But a couple of days ago, I received a Google news alert that he was launching his next album, and my track is on it. I am stunned by the dishonest and unethical way in which this has happened without my consent.“

Kher says that his international manager and Oakenfold's management had exchanged a num- ber of emails last year, but once negotiations were off, there was no hint from their side that they would use the song regardless.

“We have evidence on email that we had said that we were not interested,“ says Kher. “No contracts were drawn, and I am shocked at how lightly his management has taken our response. It's my song, with my vocals.

How can they release it unless I give them the go-ahead?“ It was that released the news of the collabora- tion on its website, on April 30. An interview with the British trance DJ on the website specifically states, “Indian singer Kailash Kher has also recorded a track for the album, says Oakenfold.“ Oakenfold's management has changed since Kher's manager last contacted them. Upon reading the news, Kher got in touch with them and they're trying to resolve the issue. “His management said that they tried to get in touch with me, but there was no response,“ Kher says.

“But didn't that make it clear that I'm not interested in dealing with them? It didn't give them the right to use it anyway. Everyone says that Indians are dishonest and corrupt -- look at what a renowned international musician did.

Blame Game “Just because they were dealing with an Indian artiste, they didn't even bother to set things right. When we do something wrong, they magnify it and look down upon us. Maybe they should first learn about ethics.“

Kher has still not been given his due fee for the track, but isn't planning to sue them just yet. “We can sue them if we want, but ultimately, that won't end on a good note,“ he says. “Goli to chal chuki hai (The bullet has been fired), so it won't be of any use.

We are discussing the issue with them, let's hope they resolve it more professionally this time.“

Repeated attempts to get in touch with Oakenfold's manage- ment through email were met with no response. Oakenfold didn't respond to direct text messages or calls either. If the issue between Kher and the British DJ gets resolved, Kher's composition will feature alongside songs by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Ryan Tedder (One Republic) and Cee-Lo.