'Bhoothnath Returns' shooting over
Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has finished shooting for his new film "Bhoothnath Returns" and he is satisfied with the final outcome."Finished and wrapped for 'Bhoothnath Returns' including the credit song with Yo Yo (Honey Singh).
Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has finished shooting for his new film "Bhoothnath Returns" and he is satisfied with the final outcome.
"Finished and wrapped for 'Bhoothnath Returns' including the credit song with Yo Yo (Honey Singh). Me thinks we did alright," Amitabh tweeted Thursday.
"Bhoothnath Returns" has been directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by T-Series.
The film will hit the screens April 11.
"Finished and wrapped for 'Bhoothnath Returns' including the credit song with Yo Yo (Honey Singh). Me thinks we did alright," Amitabh tweeted Thursday.
"Bhoothnath Returns" has been directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by T-Series.
The film will hit the screens April 11.