It's family time for Lara Dutta
Mumbai: Bollywood actress Lara Dutta is busy spending some quality time with her sisters, Sabrina and Cheryl."Always feels so nice to have a full house! All three Dutta sisters together again! Lots of garam chai
Mumbai: Bollywood actress Lara Dutta is busy spending some quality time with her sisters, Sabrina and Cheryl.
"Always feels so nice to have a full house! All three Dutta sisters together again! Lots of garam chai and chit chat! Have a good weekend!," she posted on microblogging site Twitter.
The 34-year-old was last seen in Bejoy Nambiar's "David".
"Always feels so nice to have a full house! All three Dutta sisters together again! Lots of garam chai and chit chat! Have a good weekend!," she posted on microblogging site Twitter.
The 34-year-old was last seen in Bejoy Nambiar's "David".