Jai box office collection: Rs 77.48 cr in five days in India, grosses half of Dhoom 3
Jai box office collection: Rs 77.48 cr in five days in India, grosses half of Dhoom 3
New Delhi: Salman Khan's Jai Ho's average sail at box office continued on Tuesday itself where it managed just Rs 7.30 cr at domestic market.“JaiHo Wknd 60.68 cr, Mon 9.50 cr, Tue 7.30 cr. Total:
Dhoom 3, on the other hand made approx double of what Jai Ho has managed to. Within five days of its release, the Aamir-Katrina starrer minted Rs 149.46 cr in India shattering all previous records set by Chennai Epxress and Krrish 3.
Here is the day-wise break-up of Jai Ho collection-
Fri Rs 17.75 cr, Sat Rs 16.68 cr, Sun Rs 26.25 cr, Mon 9.50 cr, Tue 7.30 cr– Rs 77.48 cr