Jai box office collection: Rs 77.48 cr in five days in India, grosses half of Dhoom 3
Jai box office collection: Rs 77.48 cr in five days in India, grosses half of Dhoom 3
New Delhi: Salman Khan's Jai Ho's average sail at box office continued on Tuesday itself where it managed just Rs 7.30 cr at domestic market.“JaiHo Wknd 60.68 cr, Mon 9.50 cr, Tue 7.30 cr. Total:
One of the major reasons held responsible for this cold response is Salman's proximity to Saifai event and Narendra Modi which miffed Muslim leaders all over and as a result they have boycott his Jai Ho.
Salman Khan recently at the launch of a motorbike took the blame for the flick's business on himself. "I will only say that the credit or the blame for my film should come to me and not to anybody else. Perhaps I have failed in bringing in the people," he said.