Tamil actor Bharath talks about his alleged relationships and his upcoming Bollywood debut 'Jackpot'
Tamil actor Bharath talks about his alleged relationships and his upcoming Bollywood debut 'Jackpot'
Chennai: Trashing rumours that he has a secret girlfriend in the industry, Tamil actor Bharath says he is not seeing anyone and is only concentrating on his career at the moment."With all due respect, would
Chennai: Trashing rumours that he has a secret girlfriend in the industry, Tamil actor Bharath says he is not seeing anyone and is only concentrating on his career at the moment.
"With all due respect, would kindly request you not to believe in rumors about my secret relationship with some actress. Right now, my full focus and concentration is on my career and my debut Bollywood project. I really don't have time for any other activities," Bharath said in a statement.
However, Bharath admitted that his parents have started to look for alliances for him.
"My parents are looking out for a suitable match for me of which I don't have any idea. When I'm ready to tie the knot, I would be the first person to announce this," he added.
Meanwhile, Bharath, who is awaiting the release of Tamil romantic-thriller '555', is busy shooting for his Bollywood debut 'Jackpot' with Sachin Joshi, Sunny Leone and Naseerudin Shah.
"With all due respect, would kindly request you not to believe in rumors about my secret relationship with some actress. Right now, my full focus and concentration is on my career and my debut Bollywood project. I really don't have time for any other activities," Bharath said in a statement.
However, Bharath admitted that his parents have started to look for alliances for him.
"My parents are looking out for a suitable match for me of which I don't have any idea. When I'm ready to tie the knot, I would be the first person to announce this," he added.
Meanwhile, Bharath, who is awaiting the release of Tamil romantic-thriller '555', is busy shooting for his Bollywood debut 'Jackpot' with Sachin Joshi, Sunny Leone and Naseerudin Shah.