I Have A Good Level Of Smartness, Boasts Bipasha
Bollywood Bongshell Bipasha Basu, whose much-awaited film Pankh was released on Friday, says if she had not been smart and intelligent, she wouldn't be where she's now."If you all have been seeing me over the
Bollywood Bongshell Bipasha Basu, whose much-awaited film Pankh was released on Friday, says if she had not been smart and intelligent, she wouldn't be where she's now."If you all have been seeing me over the years, you know that I have a good level of smartness," Bipasha told reporters in a Mumbai hotel where she unveiled the latest issue of a magazine featuring her on the cover.
"It's a tough job being an actor and (that too) being an actor coming from outside without any support system, making your name in this business," she added. "I think if I was not smart and intelligent I wouldn't have been here today. It's very important to be smart and have a personality," the actress added.Bipasha even gave some tips for the scorching Indian summer.
"Being in a country like India, I think it's very important that we wear clothes friendly to the weather. Any kind of cotton clothing like linen pyjamas, linen dresses and shorts with sandals - I think that's what is needed for this weather," she said.
"In summer we need hydration because it is really hot in India. So I would suggest drinking lots of water, fluids, juices and curd with your food. You need to keep your system a little cooler and hydrated all the time."