News Entertainment Bollywood Bigg Boss 7: Winner Gauhar Khan's unforgettable moments (see pics)

Bigg Boss 7: Winner Gauhar Khan's unforgettable moments (see pics)

With the commencement of Bigg Boss 7, Gauahar Khan has emerged not only as the winner of the show but also as a strong headed personality. The viewers who followed the show witnessed Gauhar firmly

bigg boss 7 winner gauhar khan s unforgettable moments see pics bigg boss 7 winner gauhar khan s unforgettable moments see pics
With the commencement of Bigg Boss 7, Gauahar Khan has emerged not only as the winner of the show but also as a strong headed personality.

The viewers who followed the show witnessed Gauhar firmly moving ahead with all her strength and zeal to win the show. Despite of the flakes and scuffles that she faced from the fellow inmates during her stay in the house, Ms. Khan truly remained grounded to her decisions and maintained a volatile character in the house.