Divya Khosla Kumar to have working New Year
Mumbai: Actress-turned-director Divya Khosla Kumar says she will spend her New Year shooting in Shimla."It's going to be a working New Year for me this time as I am in Shimla shooting for my second
Mumbai: Actress-turned-director Divya Khosla Kumar says she will spend her New Year shooting in Shimla.
"It's going to be a working New Year for me this time as I am in Shimla shooting for my second directorial film, 'Sanam Re'," said Divya, who made her directorial debut with "Yaariyan".
However, she is happy that her family will be around on the New Year.
"But the blessing in disguise is that my son Ruhaan is already here with me and my husband Bhushan will also be joining me. I will be off to silent dinner post work with family and the star cast of my film. Nonetheless, bringing in year 2015 in this chilly Shimla weather is going to be fun!" she added.
"Sanam Re" is a romantic film and faetures Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam in the lead.