'B.A. Pass' to be remade in Malayalam, Telugu (see pics)
Mumbai: Filmmaker Ajay Bahl's bold film "B.A. Pass" will now be remade in Malayalam and Telugu, says the director. It is already being dubbed in Telugu."I have received calls from two producers for the remake
Mumbai: Filmmaker Ajay Bahl's bold film "B.A. Pass" will now be remade in Malayalam and Telugu, says the director. It is already being dubbed in Telugu.
"I have received calls from two producers for the remake rights. We are still negotiating with the price and in the next two to three weeks, we will be in a position to talk much about it," Bahl told IANS.
"I have received calls from two producers for the remake rights. We are still negotiating with the price and in the next two to three weeks, we will be in a position to talk much about it," Bahl told IANS.