Arindam Scores A Hattrick
You will never miss his omnipresent face in the newspapers and on the TV channels. But the top honcho of IIPM Arindam Chaudhuri has just completed a hattrick in National Film awards.According to a media

You will never miss his omnipresent face in the newspapers and on the TV channels. But the top honcho of IIPM Arindam Chaudhuri has just completed a hattrick in National Film awards.
According to a media report, Arindam's Bengali film Faltu, then his English film The Last Lear and now, Do Dooni Chaar have won national film awards in a row.
The owner of Planman Motion Pictures says, Do Dooni Chaar did well at the box office. "We've been experimenting with good cinema and that experiment has started working at a commercial level, while still being recognized as sensible and good cinema".
Says Arindam: "But how important is winning awards. Isn't it enough if the film does well. Let me put it this way. Not winning an award is not a big deal ,because there are many people making good cinema and different people view cinema differently. But yes,winning always acts as a great motivator, specially,a National Award."
How does he find time from running IIPM and other ventures? Arindam replies: "Most of my ventures work on auto-pilot and I focus only where my focus is required at a particular time. Right now,I am totally involved in taking IIPM to the next level in terms of research orientation. And I spend Wednesdays on our magazines. When it comes to movies,our CEO Shubho Shekhar Bhattacharya reigns supreme .My role is limited to saying a yes to the script once he has finalized it. Of course,I pick up the awards!" (laughs)
Arindam is already on to the next film. He says, "It's a modern day story inspired by an event of historical proportions."
There are two more Hindi films about to be announced. But he says he's excited about a big budget Tamil film that they are finalising.
"I am passionate about making good movies,and I want to enrich the cultures of multiple regions of our country through good cinema as well", says Arindam.