Anupam's Father P N Kher Passes Away
Mumbai, Feb 11: Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has tweeted the news of his father's demise."As I landed in Goa my brother Raju called from Mumbai that the "Best Dad in the World" ( our father
Mumbai, Feb 11: Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has tweeted the news of his father's demise.
"As I landed in Goa my brother Raju called from Mumbai that the "Best Dad in the World" ( our father ) is No More. Traveling back," Kher tweeted.
Pushkar Nath Kher, 84, was not keeping well lately. The actor was on his way to David Dhawan's son Rohit's wedding in Goa when he learnt about the tragic news.
Kher had tweeted on his father's birthday on January 28: "Many men can make a fortune, but very few can build a family. My father did just that. It is his 84th birthday today. Best Dad Ever.:)"
Bollywood stars paid condolence on Twitter:
Sonam Kapoor: "I'm so sorry anupam uncle.. Lots and lots of love and prayers."
Siddharth: "I'm so sorry for your loss sir...prayers..."
Madhur Bhandarkar: "Please accept my deep condolences in this moment of grief , i pray to GOD to give u strength and bless the departed soul."