News Entertainment Bollywood 5 Bollywood girls who shed weight to become hotties on screen

5 Bollywood girls who shed weight to become hotties on screen

New Delhi, Nov 29: The life of our B-town actresses is not that easy as they look. They have to do a lot of hard work to look glamorous  all the time.But not everyone is

5 bollywood girls who shed weight to become hotties on screen 5 bollywood girls who shed weight to become hotties on screen
New Delhi, Nov 29: The life of our B-town actresses is not that easy as they look. They have to do a lot of hard work to look glamorous  all the time.But not everyone is blessed with a picture perfect figure by birth. Many of our B-town ladies have exercised hard to acquire that lithe shape.

So, all of you desi ghee girls, just go through this list. Here we are showing you five B-town stars who had to lose a lot of weight to become what they are right now.