Shah Rukh and Ranbir approached for project worth Rs 271 crore; mind-blown already?
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and actor Ranbir Kapoor have been approached for the third instalment of the International VIY franchisee, suggest media reports. The movie is called VIY: Journey to India and is being made
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and actor Ranbir Kapoor have been approached for the third instalment of the International VIY franchisee, suggest media reports. The movie is called VIY: Journey to India and is being made on a reported budget of $40 million (Rs 271 crore approximately).
Alexey Petruhin, Russian producer, confirmed to a daily that the two actors have been approached for the movie.
The producer also added that they have approached SRK for the lead role and to be the co-producer. Elaborating on why the team of VIY is keen on bringing Shah Rukh Khan on board, Alexey said they wanted someone who is a leader in the industry with own production house. Showing optimism, Alexey said that the Badshah of Bollywood might give nod to the movie because of the world class appeal.
About the movie, Alexey said that it is about bringing Russia and India together.
The second instalment of this franchisee was called VIY2: Journey to China had Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger in important roles.
A prospect of seeing RK and SRK on silver screen is sure to send waves of excitement among the fans. The two came together for the first time in Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ where King Khan had a cameo. The conversation between the two in which SRK told RK about unrequited love was one of the high points of the movie.
If the two agree for this mega project, it can be assured that it will be legendary.