News Entertainment Bollywood Aamir Khan to play Gulshan Kumar in biopic Mogul, reveals why he came back to Subhash Kapoor's film

Aamir Khan to play Gulshan Kumar in biopic Mogul, reveals why he came back to Subhash Kapoor's film

Months after quitting the project, Aamir has now reversed his decision to work with filmmaker Subhash Kapoor for Mogul.

aamir khan news Image Source : TWITTERAamir Khan to play Gulshan Kumar in biopic Mogul, reveals why he came back to  Subhash Kapoor's film

Aamir Khan is back on board for the Gulshan Kumar biopic, tentatively titled Mogul. The perfectionist had walked out of the film following #MeToo allegations against the director of the film- Subhash Kapoor. Announcing his exit from Mogul, Aamir had said, "At Aamir Khan Productions we have always had a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual misconduct and predatory behaviour of any kind... Two weeks ago, when traumatic #MeToo stories began emerging, it was brought to our attention that someone we were about to begin work with has been accused of sexual misconduct."

Months after quitting the project, Aamir has now reversed his decision to work with filmmaker Subhash Kapoor for Mogul. Aamir Khan confirmed this development to Hindustan Times and said, "Well, Kiran and I were producing Mogul and I was acting in it. When we were doing the film we did not know that there was a case against Mr Subash Kapoor. I believe it is a five or six year old case. We are not too much in the media space, so I guess it slipped our attention. Last year, during the Me-Too movement, mention of this case came up. That’s when we got to know about it, and we were most disturbed. Kiran and I spoke about it at length. We were in a big dilemma for more than a week."

Revealing why he agreed to come aboard for Mogul, the actor shared, "What we found is that, without exception, all of them spoke very highly of him. Not only did they not feel any discomfort with him, but rather they went out of their way to praise him. They said that he looked after everyone on his set with great care. Caring, sensitive and supportive were the words used to describe him. Mind you, both Kiran and I are fully aware that these particular women may have had a very good experience working with Mr Kapoor, but that does not mean that he could not have misbehaved with some other woman. However, I cannot deny that this interaction with women who had worked with him, did give us comfort. And so, taking everything into account, I wrote back to IFTDA saying I have reconsidered my decision, and that I would come back on to the film."


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