NTA JEE Main 2021 session 3 begins tomorrow: Covid-19, exam centre guidelines to follow
JEE Main session 3 will be held on July 20, 22, 25 and 27. Here are the Covid-19 guidelines candidates are required to follow at the exam centre.
JEE Main 2021: The NTA Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main session 3 will commence from July 20. The engineering entrance will now be held on July 20, 22, 25 and 27 which was earlier scheduled to be conducted from July 20 to 25.
The candidates who will appear for the exam can download the hall ticket through the official website- jeemain.nta.nic.in. The admit card will be available online to download till July 27.
JEE Main 2021 session 3: Follow these Covid-19, exam centre guidelines
- JEE Main exam will be held with strict adherence to Covid-19 guidelines and protocols at all exam centres
- Face masks will be provided to all candidates. All the computers and seats will be sanitised before and after the exams. Any computer set used in one shift will not be used in the next shift.
- To avoid crowd at exam centre entrance due to candidates reaching together, they will be given staggered time slots for reporting.
- The staggering of time slots will be done to ensure uniform distribution of candidates across rooms during entry at the exam centres.
- The candidates having an improper mask can ask for the same at the exam centre.
- Candidates will be guided to their allocated seats, ensuring that social distancing is maintained. The examination rooms/halls where the exam will be conducted will have open windows and fans for proper air circulation.
- Candidates should reach the exam centre half an hour prior to the exam, as mentioned in the hall ticket, as they have to reach the exam hall following Covid-19 guidelines .
- Any kind of electronic gadgets, such as mobile phones, smart watch will not be allowed at the centre.
The fourth session of JEE Main will be held from July 27 to August 2.
READ MORE | How to download JEE Main session 3 admit card 2021
READ MORE: JEE Main Exam Dates: Third session between July 20-July 25, fourth session from July 27-Aug 2