Karnataka 2nd PUC exam cancelled, SSLC only for two papers
The SSLC paper will be multiple-choice type questions (MCQ) based and the dates will be released atleast 20 days in advance. The students who could not appear in the exam due to Covid-19 related issues will be provided an opportunity to take exam later

Karnataka PUC, SSLC exams 2021: The Karnataka government on Friday has announced to cancel the 2nd PUC exam. The government, will however conduct the SSLC, class 10 exams only for two papers- core subjects and another on languages, Education Minister S Suresh Kumar said.
The exam is likely to be held in the third week of July, if Covid-19 situation becomes conducive, he added.
The paper will be multiple-choice type questions (MCQ) based and the dates will be released atleast 20 days in advance. The students who could not appear in the exam due to Covid-19 related issues will be provided an opportunity to take exam later.
The PUC-II exam was earlier scheduled from May 24 to June 16, while practical exams from April 28 to May 18, 2021. Meanwhile, the SSLC exams was scheduled to be held from June 21 to July 5.
State Education Minister S Suresh Kumar earlier mentioned that students of classes 1 to 9 and 11 will be promoted on the basis of internal examinations and continuous evaluation programmes. Students should not be asked to attend exams physically, the minister added.
The candidates can check the exam details through the website- pue.kar.nic.in.
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