Bihar Board Class 10 compartmental result 2017 declared, check online at
The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) on Wednesday declared the results for the matriculation Class X compartmental exam results 2017
The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) on Wednesday declared the results for the matriculation Class X compartmental exam results 2017. Students who have appeared for the exam can check their results at the board’s official website.
The pass percentage this year stood at 64.53 per cent. A total of 2,34,244 students appeared for the exam of whom 1,49,703 passed, says a Hindustan Times report.
For the first time in the history of BSEB, the results have been declared within just 23 days of conduction of the exam. Earlier, results were declared usually in October, November or December.
The Board also conducted a special exam in which 1,389 students appeared and only 29.73 per cent (410 students) passed the exam.
The compartmental and special exams were conducted between July 27 to 31 in two shifts across 329 centres in Bihar. One videographer was allotted per 500 examinees in centres to record the examination being conducted.
The results for the main exam were declared on June 23 this year in which 49.68 per cent of the 8,61,000 candidates had failed even after being granted eight grace marks.
Here is how you can check the Bihar Board Class 10 compartmental result 2017 online:
1. Log on to the Board’s official website
2. Go to the result link on homepage
3. Provide your roll number, name, and date of birth
4. Click on ‘Find results’