JEECUP Result 2023 OUT at, Get direct link here
Aspirants who have appeared for the exam can check the JEECUP results from the official website, using their application number and password.
JEECUP Polytechnic Result 2023: The Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) has declared the result for UP (Polytechnic) or UPJEE 2023 today, August 17. Aspirants who have appeared for the exam can check the JEECUP results from the official website, To access and download the JEECUP scorecard, candidates will have to log in with application number, password and security pin.
JEECUP Exam 2023 was held from August 2 to 7, 2023, at various exam centers across the state. The examination was ocnducted in three shifts-- 8 AM to 10:30 AM, 12 Noon to 2:30 PM and 4 PM to 6:30 PM for Group A, E1, E2, K, B, C, D, E, G, H and I. The provisional answer key for the same was issued on August 10 and candidates were allowed to raise grievances against it till August 11 by making a payment of Rs 100 per question for each challenge. The simple steps to download the JEECUP Polytechnic result 2023 are provided below.
How to Check JEECUP Polytechnic Result 2023
Step 1: Visit the official website of JEECUP at
Step 2: Click on the link that reads, 'JEECUP Polytechnic result 2023' flashing on the homepage
Step 3: It will redirect you to the new page where you need to key in the credientials and click on the submit button
Step 4: JEECUP Polytechnic result 2023 will appear on the screen
Step 5: Download JEECUP Polytechnic result 2023 and save it for future reference.
Direct Link: JEECUP Polytechnic Result 2023