GATE 2020 Results: Here's the subject-wise toppers list
GATE 2020 Results: The results of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2020 have been announced by the IIT Delhi on Friday, on the official website -- and appsgate.iitd,

GATE 2020 Results: The results of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2020 have been announced by the IIT Delhi on Friday, on the official website -- and appsgate.iitd, The GATE Result 2020 was declared three days before time as the official exam schedule had set the GATE results date for March 16.
A total of 858890 candidates had registered for the GATE 2020 examination, out of which 685088 candidates (79.76 percent) appeared in the examination. As many as 18.8 percent of candidates have qualified in GATE 2020. IIT Delhi has also released the minimum qualifying marks out of 100 for general, OBC, SC and ST candidates.
GATE 2020 examinations were conducted on February 1, 2, 8, 9. The examinations were held in the Forenoon session (9.30am to 12.30pm and afternoon session (2.30pm to 5.30pm). GATE 2020 answer key was released on February 12.
Here's the list of GATE 2020 Toppers
Subject | Name |
Aerospace Engineering | Bharath Kumar K |
Agricultural Engineering | Vikrant Chauhan |
Architecture and Planning | Kintan Shah |
Biomedical Engineering | Ganesh Shivajirao Kulkarni |
Biotechnology | Pranav Milind Deo |
Civil Engineering | Ajay Singhal |
Civil Engineering | Sumit Dewda |
Chemical Engineering | Sachin Singh Naruka |
Computer Science and Information Technology | Hitesh Poply |
Chemistry | Krishan Panja |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | Kalpit Agrawal |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | A Pavankumar Reddy |
Electrical Engineering | Abhash Rai |
Ecology and Evolution | Sveekruth Sheshagiri Pai |
Geology | Rohan Nandy |
Geophysics | Upendra Kumar Gupta |
Instrumentation Engineering | Naraharisetty Sai Sandeep |
Instrumentation Engineering | Krishna Singh Rajput |
Mathematics | Pradeep Singh |
Mechanical Engineering | Vikash Kumar |
Mining Engineering | Priyanshu Maheswari |
Metallurgical Engineering | Jaya Gupta |
Petroleum Engineering | Gaurav Kumar |
Physics | Harshita Sharma |
Production and Industrial Engineering | Suryansh Garg |
Statistics | Pramit Das |
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | Priya Rathore |
Engineering Sciences | Devendra Singh Negi |
Life Sciences | Tamoghna Chowdhury |